Hebrews 4:12 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It literally gets to the heart of why God breathed his word (2 Timothy 3:16,17 NIV).


If you’re happy and content with the status quo of life...

If you’re resistant to change...

If you don’t like to be challenged and corrected...

If you think you’ve got life all figured out...

If you want what you want, when you want it, no questions asked...

Then, let me encourage. You may not want to read God’s word. You see, there is something supernaturally different about the word of God.  It will cut you. It will pierce you. It will most likely create some form of discomfort for you. It will challenge you. It will expose the deepest parts of you. It may even change you.


It has the power to correct faulty thinking, believing and acting. It can cause you to become less self-centered. You’re likely to become others-focused. You may actually begin to look and sound a lot like Jesus.


In short, your life will never be the same. You won’t be the same person. And, people around you will notice the difference.  Your spouse might not even recognize the person you're becoming.


So, be careful about wielding the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). It’s sharp. It will cut you. But, if it’s effect on you is what it has been on me, it will usher in the greatest healing you’ve ever known.


You will not be the same.  Your marriage will not be the same.  If you have children, your parenting will not be the same.  In short, the generations that follow you will not be the same as they would have been.


All of this can happen.  All of this should happen.  I believe God wants it to happen.  It's his desire for you.  And, it all begins by simply reading and heeding the word of God (James 1:22 & 4:17).